Youth Red Cross (YRC) Unit of SRM Trichy college of Nursing conducted a debate competition on theme “PLANET VS PLASTICS “an account of world earth day on 23-04-2024, SRMTCON AUDITORIUM at 3 PM – 4 PM for the students of B.SC (N) and DGNM students. The aim of organizing debate competition was to hone the public speaking skills of the students and teach them to be articulate while expressing their thoughts and opinions. The session was the kaleidoscope of opinions, thoughts and perspective that enhanced the knowledge and understanding about the planet and plastics among students.
To begin with, each participant spoke their mind on the rationale for, the execution of and the potential future effect of planet and plastics. Points presented were accepted by the spectators with cheers and claps .some of the points even made us think about the facts. There was so much talent in the room. Arguments were made and roved. The competition was so interesting with the exchange of students perceptive by equally stating the merits and demerits of going for planet and plastics. There were 110 students participated in this event with great enthusiasm. The winners of this competition were planet team and selected 3 prizes.