Date & Time: 03.12.2024 & 10:00am to 11:00pm
Venue: TSRMMC & RC
Event Coordinator: Mrs. Bebina.A
No. of Participants: 99
AIDS Awareness rally on the theme of “Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!” was organized by Dermatology department from TSRMMC&RC on 03.12.2024. On behalf of SRM Trichy College of Nursing, our III Semester students were participated and the students, carrying different slogans in their hands, spread awareness among the masses about the dreaded disease like AIDS. In this rally and Dr.Revwathy, Dean, TSRMMCH&RC, Dr. N.Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, Trichy SRM Campus, Dr.Kamala, Vice-Principal (Academics) and Dr.Balaji, Vice-Principal (Admin) were present on this program.