Date: 11.09.2024 Time: 08.30 pm – 05.30 pm
Chairperson: Dr. Suja Suresh Secretary: Mrs. Devi. K
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, SRMTCON Total no of participants: 187
SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized “Workshop on Overcoming Challenges in Nursing Research” on 11.09.2024 between 08.30 pm – 05.30 pm. Aimed to address common obstacles faced by nursing professionals engaged in research and to enhance their skills and knowledge. Around 192 members have participated including nurses, researchers, and healthcare administrators. Programme started with registration at 08.30 am. The programme was inaugurated at 10.00 am. Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal, SRMTCON welcomed the gathering, followed by the lighting of the Kuthuvialkku. Prof. Dr. N. Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, Dr. S. Revwathy, Dean, TSRMMCH&RC, Trichy, and Dr. Rajamani, Dean Nursing, felicitated the gathering. Dr. Susila.C, Principal, Billroth College of Nursing, and GC member in The TN Dr. MGR Medical University, gave the Chief Guest Address. The workshop successfully addressed significant challenges in nursing research. All delegates actively participated. Programme ended with feedback and valediction.