Date & Time : 06.09.2024 &11 pm to 12.00pm
Venue : Government Primary School, Manikapuram.
Event Convener : Dr. Suja Suresh, M.SC (N), PhD. PRINCIPAL
Event Coordinator : Mrs. Hepzibah Arulmani. P B.SC (N). Tutor
Mrs. Sarlin Sabitha Mary .S, B.Sc. (N). Tutor
No. of Participants : 90
On this day, SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized a school health awareness program at Government Primary School, Manikapuram. The program was conducted by the B.Sc. (N) IV year students. The program aimed to create awareness among the schoolchildren’s. The school health program contributed towards Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4 to achieve good health, well-being, and quality education. The program started with a Tamilthaivalthu. A welcome speech was given by Ms. L. Prathipa. Students performed a skit regarding the child safety including road, electrical safety and child abuse. They also performed a Puppet show regarding the Worm Infestation. Ms. C. Nisha delivered a health talk on dental Carries. Dr.sujasuresh Principal interact the students and clarified the doubts .The Around 90 students actively participated in the program. The program was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms.Praisellin jenita.M Feedback was obtained from the participants. The teachers and students appreciated the program and found that the session was very informative and useful. All participants cooperated well throughout the program.