Date & Time :11.11.2024 & 09:00am to 05:00pm
Venue : Thanthai Roever College of Nursing, Perambalur
Event Coordinator : Mrs. Bebina.A
No. of Participants : 03
Student Advocacy and Leadership Training (SALT) – 2.0 Programme was hosted by Thanthai Roever College of Nursing, Perambalur collaborated with The Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI), Tamil Nadu State branch on 11th November 2024. On behalf SRM Trichy College of Nursing, SNA Advisor and SNA Bearers were participated. The Programme was started at 9am with registration and resource persons handled the session in an effective manner. All the sessions were interactive. Dr. Udhaya Kumar, Vice President of TNAI and Dr. Sudha, SNA Advisor of SNAI Unit has taken active part in this programme. Finally the session end with valediction at 5pm.