5th day of Faculty Development Programme – Short Course on “Oncology Nursing” in SRM Trichy College of Nursing, Trichy was organized on 25.02.2023.
Sr. Kanikkai Parvin, Servite College of Nursing, dealt on the topic “Palliative Care” at 10 a.m, At 11 a.m Prof. Dr.Grace Jebakani Sweety, Our Lady of Health College of Nursing, dealt the topic on Pain Management. Prof.Dhanalakshmi, M.A.Chidambaram College of Nursing dealt the topic on Care of Child with Leukemia. The sessions were informative and useful in clinical setting. Followed by Valediction Function was taken place. Prof.Dr.Suja Suresh, Principal, SRM Trichy college of Nursing distributed the certificated to the Resource persons and participants. Feedback was taken from all the participants. The program was ended with National Anthem.