The lamp lighting ceremony – 2023 of 5th batch B.Sc Nursing students was organized by SRM Trichy college of Nursing on 25.01.2023. The ceremony presided by honourable Chairman Dr.R.Shivakumar, SRM Group of Institutions (Ramapuram & Trichy Campuses) and delivered presidential address. Chief Guest address was delivered by Dr.R.Gunasekaran, senior National Vice president (elect),IMA, India, founder, Managing Partner, physicion, Diabetologist-Deepan Hospital,Trichy. Dr.Suja Suresh, Principal, SRM Trichy college of Nursing welcomedthe gathering. Kuthuvilakku lit by the dignitaries followed by lighting the lamp and oath taken by the first year B.Sc. Nursing students.Dr.S.Revathy , Dean, TSRMMCH & RC, Dr.N.Balasubramaniyan, Deputy Director, SRM Trichy campus & Dr.N.Malmurugan, Campus Director, SRM Trichy campus felicitated the gathering. Prof.Dr.N.Sethuraman Chief Director, SRM group of Institution (Ramapuram & Trichy campuses)was delivered the Special address. Vote of thanks was proposed by Prof.Devi.K,Vice – Principal, SRM Trichy college of Nursing.The programme came to an end with National anthem.