Date & Time : 23.09.2024 at 3pm to 4Pm
Venue : Rural Health Training Centre, Sangenthi
Event Convenor : Dr.Suja Suresh M.SC (N). Ph.D., Principal
Event Coordinator : Mrs. Hepzibah Arulmani.P B.Sc. (N). Tutor
Mrs. Sarlin Sabitha Mary .S, B.Sc. (N). Tutor
No.of Participants : 50
SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized a “SKIT” on the theme of “FIRST AID AND SPORTS,” an account of “FIRST AID DAY,” on 23-09-2024 at the Rural Health Training Centre, Sangenthi, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. for the students of B.SC (N)IV year. The program aimed to create awareness among the people. The program contributed towards Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4 to achieve good health, well-being, and quality education. The program started with a Tamilthaivalthu. A welcome speech was given by Ms. L. Priyasree. Students performed a skit regarding the importance of first aid, common medical emergencies (e.g., choking, bleeding, and burns), and basic CPR techniques. The Around 50 people actively participated in the program. The program was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Prasellin Jenita. Feedback was obtained from the participants. The participants appreciated the program and found that the session was very informative and useful. All participants cooperated well throughout the program.