Date & time : 11.12.2023 to 17.12.2023, 03.00 – 05.00 pm
Venue : Multipupose Hall
Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Suja Suresh
Organizing Secretary: Mrs. Sarmila. A No of Participants : 76 SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized the Faculty Development Programme on New Educational Policy 2023 from 11.12.2023 to 17.12.2023 between 03.00 pm to 05.00 pm. This was a seven-day programme where eminent speakers discussed various related subtopics in detail and a very beneficial experience for the participants. It provided insight into New Educational policy goals, key skills, benefits, accreditation and quality of education, experiential learning and challenges in New Educational policy 2023. A feedback link was given to all participants and an e-certificate was provided.