SRM Trichy College of nursing organized 1st Annual Alumni Meet On 23.06.2023 in the College Of Nursing Multipurpose Hall. The programme was commenced with TamilThaivazthu by our college choir followed by Lighting Kuthuvilakku by the dignitaries. Dr.Suja Suresh, Principal, SRM Trichy college of nursing delivered an alumni address to all members present and impressed upon the alumni gathering, the challenges of entrepreneurship and the need for a strong alumni network.. Dr.Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, SRM Campus has given the special address to the alumni and staff members were also part of the event. Mrs.Savitri sivakumar, Director of U2CAN, Trichy has deliberated about International job opportunities for nurses. Mrs. Sarmila, Professor pondered the Significance of Registration to alumni. The event was a good blend of formal and cultural taking everyone down memory lane. General body meeting was held and the Alumni interaction provided a platform for sharing experiences, ideas, feeling and opinions. Various suggestions were given to strengthen the alumni network and work for mutual growth. 39 alumni made it for the event. The alumni meet was ended by national anthem.