Date & Time : Tuesday, 26th November 2024, 2pm – 4pm
Venue : SRM Trichy College of Nursing, Multipurpose Hall.
Event Convenor : Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal
Event Coordinator : Mrs. Rani Joseph, Assistant Professor
No of participants : 135
The seminar on Neonatal Emergencies commenced on 26th November 2024 at 2:00 pm at SRM Trichy College of Nursing, Multipurpose Hall. The program began with the traditional Tamil Thai Valthu, followed by a warm welcome address by Ms. Rathina M, a third-year BSc Nursing student.
Mrs. Rani Joseph, Assistant Professor, introduced the chief guest, Mrs. Anitha Catherine M, Associate Professor, KMC College of Nursing, Trichy. Then she presented a comprehensive Seminar on Neonatal Emergencies and management, which was well-received by the participants.
The seminar concluded by 4:00 pm with a vote of thanks by Sakthi Shruthika T, III year B.Sc (N) student followed by the singing of the National Anthem.