The First State Level workshop on Revamping Critical Care Nursing Skill was presided by our
honorable chairman sir Dr.R.Shivakumar, SRM Group of Institutions (Ramapuram & Trichy Campuses). Chief
guest address was Given by Dr.Saradha Ramesh.,Ph.D(N), Dy. Director of Nursing Research & Principal,
VMRF, VMCON Pondicherry. Followed by Principal Dr.SujaSuresh.,PhD(N), welcomed the gathering.
4 Eminent Resource Person shared the Morning Theory Session & Afternoon Hands on Skills (OSPE).
50 Delegates from Various districts participated & Up skilled their Knowledge
Workshop ended at 5:30 pm with valediction. Observer from TNNMC & 3 of the delegates given the
feedback about the workshop. Every one appreciated the workshop, infrastructure of the college & hospitality.