Date & Time : 19.09.2024 & 20.09.2024 at 09.00 Am -05.00 pm
Venue : Conference Hall
Organising chairperson : Prof.Dr. Suja Suresh M.Sc(N).,Ph.D.,
Organising secretary : Prof. Devi .K M.Sc. (N).,
No of Participants : 24
A two day faculty orientation programme held on 19.09.2024 & 20.09.2024 from 9 am to 5 pm at SRM Trichy College Nursing successfully welcomed and integrated 24 faculty members for the session. The two days programmed aimed to provide essential information.
On the first day,The session opened with a welcoming speech by Prof. Dr. Suja Suresh M.Sc (N)., Ph.D., Principal of SRMTCON, who also gave a brief summary of the college’s vision, mission, Goals,values, and educational philosophy.Followed by curriculum implementation presented by Prof. Devi M.Sc (N)., Vice principal. Administrator from sister concern of SRM Trichy campus discuss regarding expectation, Teaching and learning strategies were discussed. The afternoon session included resources and facilities in SRM Trichy campus, Writing research proposal, Infrastructure and distinctives, Hostel policy and student welfare, HR leave policy.
Day two focussed on research opportunities, innovative in pedagogy, crisis intervention, How to overcome the personnel and professional challenges, NACC accreditation, Women empowerment, Library policy and how to access the DELNET, Enterprise Resource planning. The programme concluded with a question and answer session and networking opportunities, allowing new faculty to connect with colleagues and establish healthy harmony. The programme received overwhelming positive feedback from faculty members. Praising the organization and presenters. Overall the faculty orientation programme successfully achieved with objectives, equipping faculty members with the necessary knowledge skills and connection to excel in their works.