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Caring For Life

Provide an opportunity to a large segment of in-service nurses to upgrade their knowledge and skills in order to respond to the changing health needs of the society

School Health Programme

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Date & Time: 24.01.2025 & 10 am to 12pm

Venue: S.Puthur

Event Convener: Dr. Suja Suresh, M.SC (N), PhD. PRINCIPAL

Event Coordinator: Mrs. Josephine Dayana B.SC (N) Tutor,

Ms. Abirami. K, B.SC (N). Tutor,

B.Sc. Nursing V semester Students (I Batch)

No. of Participants        : 40

The Department of Community Health Nursing of SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized the “School health awareness program at Government Primary School, S.Puthur, on 24th January 2025 at 10.00 am.

B. Sc Nursing V Semester students deliberated the Skit on “DENTAL CARRIES AND ITS PREVENTION” by using role play and enlightened the young minds on a healthy life, healthy habits, personal hygiene, and highlighted the importance of having healthy behaviour. The BSc Nursing V Semester student demonstrated hand washing to the school children through the dance, and all actively participated in the event.

Thereafter, They are conducted Puppet show regarding “WARM INFESTATION AND ITS PREVENTION” to the school children. A total of 40 participants attended the program, which included 35 school children, 5 teachers. The efforts of staff and students from SRMTCON, in organizing this School health programme were appreciated by Headmistress of Government Primary School, S.Puthur. This program contributed to “SDG-3 Good health and well-being and SDG-4 Quality Education”.

The Faculty Development Programme

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Date: 02.01.2025 – 08.01.2025

Mode: Virtual mode

SRM Trichy College of Nursing along with IQAC organized the Faculty Development Programme on Trends and Challenges in Health and Nursing informatics from 02.01.2025 to 08.01.2025 between 2.00pm – 4.00pm through hybrid mode.  This was a five day Programme where eminent speakers discussed various topics such as the future of Health care, Leveraging informatics for Better patient outcomes, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and block chain technology in Health care, Telehealth and electronic health records in nursing perspectives, significance of quality improvement and patient safety, role of nursing informatics on competency development. Around 100 delegates were participated actively and equipped their knowledge.


Christmas & New Year Program 2024

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Date & Time : 19.12.2024 &2.245pm to 4.45pm             

Venue :  Multipurpose Hall, SRMTCON

Campus life and Student Nurses Association unit of SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized Christmas and New Year program on 19 December, 2024. Our students were more thrilled to involved in the celebrations and they performed with the dance, carols song, skit and cake cutting. We end the celebration with Santa Claus. Students visited St. Anne’s differently abled home along with Faculty members and shared our joy and happiness with them.


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Date : 29.11.2024

Venue: Lecture hall 3

Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Suja Suresh., M.Sc. (N)., Ph.D.    

Organizing Secretary: Mrs.Shoba (N)                           

No of Participants: 40     

             SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized the National Cancer Awareness Day Program 2024 on 29.11.2024 between 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm.

On 29.11.24 SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized a slogan contest to increase the awareness of cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. The day emphasizes the importance of routine screenings, healthy lifestyle choices, and prompt medical action in light of the growing impact of cancer on public health.

World AIDS Awareness Day 2024 – Rally Report

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Date & Time: 03.12.2024 & 10:00am to 11:00pm

Venue: TSRMMC & RC

Event Coordinator: Mrs. Bebina.A

No. of Participants: 99

IMG_20241203_102513IMG_20241203_10081320241203_100858AMByGPSMapCamera         AIDS Awareness rally on the theme of “Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!” was organized by Dermatology department from TSRMMC&RC on 03.12.2024. On behalf of SRM Trichy College of Nursing, our III Semester students were participated  and the students, carrying different slogans in their hands, spread awareness among the masses about the dreaded disease like AIDS. In this rally and Dr.Revwathy, Dean, TSRMMCH&RC, Dr. N.Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, Trichy SRM Campus, Dr.Kamala, Vice-Principal (Academics) and Dr.Balaji, Vice-Principal (Admin) were present on this program.

Seminar on Neonatal Emergencies

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Date & Time : Tuesday, 26th November 2024, 2pm – 4pm

Venue : SRM Trichy College of Nursing, Multipurpose Hall.

Event Convenor : Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal

Event Coordinator : Mrs. Rani Joseph, Assistant Professor

No of participants : 135

The seminar on Neonatal Emergencies commenced on 26th November 2024 at 2:00 pm at SRM Trichy College of Nursing, Multipurpose Hall. The program began with the traditional Tamil Thai Valthu, followed by a warm welcome address by Ms. Rathina M, a third-year BSc Nursing student.

Mrs. Rani Joseph, Assistant Professor, introduced the chief guest, Mrs. Anitha Catherine M, Associate Professor, KMC College of Nursing, Trichy. Then she presented a comprehensive Seminar on Neonatal Emergencies and management, which was well-received by the participants.

The seminar concluded by 4:00 pm with a vote of thanks by Sakthi Shruthika T, III year B.Sc (N) student followed by the singing of the National Anthem.

Orientation  Program For Academic Year 2024 – 2028

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Date : Thursday, 7th November 2024 to 9th November 2024

Venue : SRM  Trichy College of Nursing

Event Convenor : Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal

Event Coordinator : Professor Mrs.Devi.K, Vice-Principal

No of participants : 100

The orientation program for first-year BSc nursing students commenced on November 7, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at SRM Trichy College of Nursing. The program began with an ice-breaking session that instantly sparked connections among students and introduction, followed by an energetic presentation on college, hostel rules and regulations by Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal, and an introduction to the course, university rules, exams, and attendance by Mrs. K. Devi, Vice Principal. Dean Dr. Suresh led an interactive session on group dynamics that left everyone motivated. Other sessions on the first day included communication skills, balancing personal and professional life, Dr. S. Revathy Dean SRMMCH&RC, and library utilization by Mrs. Margret.

On the second day, health checkups were conducted at SRM Trichy Medical College and Research Centre, followed by introductions to the Student Nurses Association by Mrs. Bebina Vincia, YRC, and time management. Dr. Rajamani, Dean of Nursing, delivered a powerful and eye-opening lecture on the Ill effects and prevention of drug abuse.

On the third day, the SRM Trichy Medical College and Research Centre faculty conducted health checkups. Dr. Malathi, SRM Institute of Technology, presented stress management. Mrs. Sharmila, Professor, SRM Trichy College of Nursing, presented anti-ragging and ICC. This was followed by an Orientation about the campus and college.

The three-day orientation program concluded successfully on November 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. with feedback from first-year BSc nursing students. The program provided essential information and skills to excel in their academic journey, covering critical aspects such as academic expectations, personal and professional development, and campus resources. The students benefited from the expertise of esteemed faculty members and guest speakers, setting a strong foundation for their academic pursuits.

Inicio Fiesta 2024

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Date & Time : 30.11.2024 & 11:00am to 01:00pm

Venue : SRM Auditorium

Event Coordinator : Mrs. Bebina.A

No. of Participants : 450

Every student eagerly awaits right from their time of admission for their most remarkable event of the college “INICIO FIESTA”. The 30th of November 2024 was a memorable day in the life of every fresher of the academic year 2024-2025 batch at SRM Trichy College of Nursing. It is the day where seniors and juniors finally bond and unite to celebrate being part of the college. Students were welcomed with so much of enthusiasm which was organized by Student Nurses Association. One week before II year B.Sc (N) students released promo regarding Inicio Fiesta 2024. It creates more curiosity among the freshers. Dr.N. Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, Trichy SRM Campus, Dr.S.Rajamani, Dean-Nursing felicitated the gathering and motivated the students by their inspiring thoughts. The SNA President Dr.Suja Suresh announced batch name for freshers “Zircon” which means Clarity, Purity, Healing and Spiritual Growth. The fresher’s day was filled with excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness. Various cultural events were organized and ice breaking sessions conducted for juniors. Finally the program end with DJ and refreshment.


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Date & Time: 14.11.2024 & 09:00am to 11:30am            

Venue: Collectorate office, Tiruchirapalli

Event Coordinator: Ms. Petrina & Ms. Vinothini

No. of Participants: 155

The Children’s day programme began with a special assembly conducted by the government officials at Trichy collectorate office, followed by informative and inspirational speeches by the Collector and Deputy Collector. The Collector delivered the Pledge regarding child protection. After the Pledge, Honourable Collector started the Rally (Walk for Children) from Collectorate to Seva Sangam School. On behalf of SRM Trichy College of Nursing, III Semester and V semester students were participated. Finally the programme end with refreshment.


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Date & Time :11.11.2024 & 09:00am to 05:00pm            

Venue : Thanthai Roever College of Nursing, Perambalur

Event Coordinator : Mrs. Bebina.A

No. of Participants : 03

Student Advocacy and Leadership Training (SALT) – 2.0 Programme was hosted by Thanthai Roever College of Nursing, Perambalur collaborated with The Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI), Tamil Nadu State branch on 11th November 2024. On behalf SRM Trichy College of Nursing, SNA Advisor and SNA Bearers were participated. The Programme was started at 9am with registration and resource persons handled the session in an effective manner. All the sessions were interactive. Dr. Udhaya Kumar, Vice President of TNAI and      Dr. Sudha, SNA Advisor of SNAI Unit has taken active part in this programme. Finally the session end with valediction at 5pm.

Induction Program for Academic Year 2024-2028

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Date & Time : Wednesday, 6th November 2024, 10:30 AM

Venue : SRM Auditorium, Trichy Campus.

Event Convenor : Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal

Event Coordinator : Professor Mrs.Devi.K, Vice-Principal

No of participants : 480

The induction program for the academic year 2024-2028 commenced at 10:30 a.m. on 06.11.202 at SRM Auditorium, Trichy Campus. The program began with the traditional Tamil Thai Valthu, followed by a warm welcome address by Dr. Suja Suresh, Principal, SRM Trichy College of Nursing. The dignitaries then proceeded to light the Kuthu Vilakku.

Professor Dr. Sethu Raman, Chief Director, SRM Group of Institutions (Ramapuram, Trichy, and Chennai), delivered the presidential address. Dr. N. Balasubramanian, Deputy Director, SRM Group of Institution, and Dr. S. Revwathy, Dean, TSRMMCH&RC addressed the gathering and shared valuable insights.

Dr. Rajamani.S, Nursing – Dean introduced the Chief Guest, and Dr. S. Kumaravel Guest delivered an inspiring, motivational speech, emphasizing the significance of education and nurturing future healthcare professionals.

The induction program concluded at 12:00 p.m. with a vote of thanks by Professor Mrs. Devi. K, Vice principal followed by the singing of the National Anthem.


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Venue: Lecture hall -2

Event Coordinator: Mrs. Karthika B.Sc(N).,

No.of Participants:56

 On  account of world stroke  day on 28.10.2024 at 4.00- 500 pm in the college premises. Our students were participated in organized panel discussion with the theme of “GREATER THAN STROKE ACTIVE CHALLENGES” .Our III Year students 56 were participated. The discussion went as well with meaning full output.


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Date & Time: 29.10.2024 & 02:00pm to 03:00pm            


Event Coordinator: Mrs. Bebina.A

No. of Participants: 310

Diwali was celebrated and organised by the Student Nurses’ Association on 29th October 2024. The Students and faculty members of the college also were part of the ceremony. Various cultural events were performed. During this celebration everyone has taken the pledge regarding Eco-friendly Diwali celebration. All the participants enjoyed well.


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Date: 07.10.2024 -14.10.2024

Venue: Multipurpose hall

Event Coordinator: Mrs. X.Aron Christy M.Sc (N).,

No.of. participants: 242

The Mental Health Day event was organized at SRM Trichy College of Nursing with the aim of raising awareness about mental health issues, promoting well-being among nursing students and faculty, and emphasizing the importance of mental health in nursing practice. The event included Displaying Gratitude wall, guest lecture, Mindful cooking and poster competition activities designed to equip future nurses with tools to manage their own mental health while effectively caring for their patients. It equipped future nurses with valuable skills to manage their mental health and to provide better care to their patients. The initiative has set the foundation for ongoing mental health advocacy and support within the nursing community.


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Date & Time : 21.10.2024 &10.30am to 11.30am             

Venue :  Vellanur, ICDS Center,

Event Convener : Dr. Suja Suresh, M.SC (N), PhD. PRINCIPAL                        

Event Coordinator : Mrs. Hepzibah Arulmani. P B.SC (N). Tutor                                    

No. of Participants : 20

SRM Trichy College of Nursing organised a Global Hand Washing Day Awareness program on October 21, 2024, at Vellanur on the basis of the theme “WHY ARE CLEAN HANDS STILL IMPORTANT?” This report highlights the importance of hand hygiene in preventing diseases. This year’s activities were designed to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on Goal 3 (good health and well-being), Goal 4 (quality education), and Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation). The program was scheduled from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. B.Sc. (N) III year students performed a skit regarding the importance of hand hygiene and how to prevent the infection. They also performed a dance regarding steps of hand washing. Ms. Anchana. A does the demonstration on hand washing. Around 20 students actively participated in the program. Feedback was obtained from the students and teachers. All the students cooperated well throughout the program.

World Arthritis Day

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Date & Time : 14.10.2024 &10:00am to 11:00pm             

Venue : TSRMMCHRC (orthopedic outpatient department)  

Event Coordinator : Mrs. Balamaheswari, B.Sc(N), TUTOR

No. of Participants : 43

SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized a “World Arthritis Day” program on October 14, 2024, at TSRMMCH&RC (orthopedic outpatient department). The day aims to raise awareness about arthritis and provide essential health education to orthopedic patients, empowering them with knowledge about management, prevention, and treatment options. The program was scheduled from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Ms. Thanusika  and Ms. Arundhati, B.Sc.(N) III Year, delivered health talk on definition, causes, signs, and symptoms, treatment, management, and preventive measures of arthritis through flashcard. The health education session for World Arthritis Day successfully raised awareness about arthritis among orthopaedic patients. Both students found the experience rewarding and expressed interest in organizing similar events in the future. All the participants cooperated well throughout the program.


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Date: 30.09.2024                                                        

Time: 09.00 pm – 01.00 pm

Chairperson: Dr. Suja Suresh                                    

Secretary: Mrs. Devi. K

Venue: B.C Roy Hall, TSRMMCH&RC                   

Total no of participants: 146

SRM Trichy College of Nursing and  Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital &Research Centre Nursing Education Unit organised “Inhouse Continuing Nursing Education on ICU Bundle care” on 30.09.2024 between 09.00 pm – 01.00 pm. Aimed to improve patient outcomes and standardizing care for critically ill patients. Around 146 members have participated including nurses, faculty, and Nursing students. Programme started with registration at 08.45 am. The programme was inaugurated at 10.00 am with the lighting of the Kuthuvialkku followed by Mrs. Devi.K, Vice Principal, SRMTCON welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. N. Balasubramanian, Deputy Director has given keynote address, and Dr. S. Revwathy, Dean, TSRMMCH&RC, Trichy, and Dr. Rajamani, Dean Nursing, felicitated the gathering. This programme helps to adhere to the ICU bundle care, health care facilities can significantly improve care for critically ill patients. All delegates actively participated.

Social organization

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Date                :  28.09.2024

Venue               : SOC SEAD, Social Organization

Organising chairperson: Dr. Suja Suresh

Organising secretary   :  Mrs. Bebina

No of Participants       : 99

The students of First Year B.Sc (N) visited Social organization on 29th  September 2024. The purpose of the visit is to spread the awareness regarding availability of services to the public. That social organization is deeply concerned about overall development of special children especially adoption and doing rehabilitation for alcoholic addict patients. The activity starts with curiosity and ends with a sense of satisfaction at accumulating important knowledge in an enjoyable manner. The social organization has warm affectionate and extremely diligent counsellors to coach the alcoholic patients to develop various skills by giving vocational training and recreation. This visit made students to realize that how privileged we are to be serve to the human being and also made them empathies toward challenges face by the social organization.


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Date & Time :  19.09.2024 & 20.09.2024 at 09.00 Am -05.00 pm  

Venue : Conference Hall

Organising chairperson : Prof.Dr. Suja Suresh M.Sc(N).,Ph.D.,           

Organising secretary :  Prof. Devi .K M.Sc. (N).,

No of Participants : 24

A two day faculty orientation programme held on 19.09.2024 & 20.09.2024 from 9 am to 5 pm at SRM Trichy College Nursing successfully welcomed and integrated 24 faculty members for the session. The two days programmed aimed to provide essential information.

On the first day,The session opened with a welcoming speech by Prof. Dr. Suja Suresh M.Sc (N)., Ph.D., Principal of SRMTCON, who also gave a brief summary of the college’s vision, mission, Goals,values, and educational philosophy.Followed by curriculum implementation presented by Prof. Devi M.Sc (N)., Vice principal. Administrator from sister concern of SRM Trichy campus discuss regarding expectation, Teaching and learning strategies were discussed. The afternoon session included resources and facilities in SRM Trichy campus, Writing research proposal, Infrastructure and distinctives, Hostel policy and student welfare, HR leave policy.

Day two focussed on research opportunities, innovative in pedagogy, crisis intervention, How to overcome the personnel and professional challenges, NACC accreditation, Women empowerment, Library policy and how to access  the DELNET, Enterprise Resource planning. The programme concluded with a question and answer session and networking opportunities, allowing new faculty to connect with colleagues and establish healthy harmony.  The programme received overwhelming positive feedback from faculty members. Praising the organization and presenters. Overall the faculty orientation programme successfully achieved with objectives, equipping faculty members with the necessary knowledge skills and connection to excel in their works.


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Date & Time : 26.9.2024 &11 am to 12.30pm             

Venue : Edangimangalam, Vellanur

Event Convener : Dr. Suja Suresh, M.SC (N), PhD. PRINCIPAL                        

Event Coordinato: Mrs. Hepzibah Arulmani. P B.SC (N). Tutor

                              Ms. Abirami. K, B.Sc. (N). Tutor

No. of Participants : 30

SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized a world heart day screening program on September 26, 2024, at Edangimangalam, Vellanur, on the basis of the theme “USE HEART FOR ACTION.” This report highlights the alignment of the World Heart Day screening program with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on health and well-being within our community. The day aims to raise awareness about cardiovascular health, provide free health screenings for community members, and educate participants on heart disease prevention and healthy lifestyle choices. The screening program was scheduled from 11 a.m. to 12.30 pm. B.Sc. (N) IV year students check the community people’s blood pressure level, height, and weight. Refer the patients to the RHTC if their blood pressure has raised. Ms. Ragasudha.M, Delivered a health talk regarding the definition, causes, signs, and symptoms, treatment, management, and preventive measures of hypertension. Around 30 community members actively participated and gained knowledge about the prevention and management of hypertension. Feedback was obtained from the participants. All the participants cooperated well throughout the program.

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