Date & Time: 24.01.2025 & 10 am to 12pm
Venue: S.Puthur
Event Convener: Dr. Suja Suresh, M.SC (N), PhD. PRINCIPAL
Event Coordinator: Mrs. Josephine Dayana B.SC (N) Tutor,
Ms. Abirami. K, B.SC (N). Tutor,
B.Sc. Nursing V semester Students (I Batch)
No. of Participants : 40
The Department of Community Health Nursing of SRM Trichy College of Nursing organized the “School health awareness program at Government Primary School, S.Puthur, on 24th January 2025 at 10.00 am.
B. Sc Nursing V Semester students deliberated the Skit on “DENTAL CARRIES AND ITS PREVENTION” by using role play and enlightened the young minds on a healthy life, healthy habits, personal hygiene, and highlighted the importance of having healthy behaviour. The BSc Nursing V Semester student demonstrated hand washing to the school children through the dance, and all actively participated in the event.
Thereafter, They are conducted Puppet show regarding “WARM INFESTATION AND ITS PREVENTION” to the school children. A total of 40 participants attended the program, which included 35 school children, 5 teachers. The efforts of staff and students from SRMTCON, in organizing this School health programme were appreciated by Headmistress of Government Primary School, S.Puthur. This program contributed to “SDG-3 Good health and well-being and SDG-4 Quality Education”.